This post highlights how channels work in Go, and how you can use them in your code.


In Go, a channel is a programming construct that allows us to move data between different parts of our code, often from different goroutines.

Creating Channels

We can declare a new channel type by using the chan keyword along with a datatype:

var c chan int

Here, c is of type chan int - which means it’s a channel through which int types are sent. The default value of a channel is nil, so we need to assign a value before using it.

Alternatively, we can use the make function to declare and initialize the channel:

c := make(chan int)

Sending And Receiving Data

Now let’s look at some code that makes use of a channel to get the multiplication result:

package main

import (

func main() {
	n := 3

	// This is where we "make" the channel, which can be used
	// to move the `int` datatype
	out := make(chan int)

	// We still run this function as a goroutine, but this time,
	// the channel that we made is also provided
	go multiplyByTwo(n, out)

	// Once any output is received on this channel, print it to the console and proceed

// This function now accepts a channel as its second argument...
func multiplyByTwo(num int, out chan<- int) {
	result := num * 2

	//... and pipes the result into it
	out <- result

You can (run this code here)

A channel gives us a way to “connect” the different concurrent parts of our program. In this case, we can represent this connection between our two concurrent blocks of code visually :

go routines as blocks with channel

The green arrow here signifies data going through a channel

Channels can be thought of as “pipes” or “arteries” that connect the different concurrent parts of our code.

Directional Channels

Channels can be directional - which means that you can restrict a channel to only send or receive data. This is specified by the arrow (<-) accompanied with the channel declaration

For example, take a look at the type definition of the out argument of the multiplyByTwo function :

out chan<- int
  • The chan<- declaration tells us that you can only send data into the channel, but not receive data from it.
  • The int declaration tells us that the channel will only accept int datatypes.

Although they look like separate parts, chan<- int can be thought of as one datatype, that describes a “send-only” channel of integers.

Similarly, an example of a “receive-only” channel declaration would look like:

out <-chan int

You can also declare a channel without giving directionality, which means it can send or receive data :

out chan int

This is seen when we create the out channel in the main function :

out := make(chan int)

This channel can then be cast into a directional channel based on the restrictions you want to impose elsewhere in your code.

Blocking Conditions

Statements that send or receive values from channels are blocking inside their own goroutine. This means:

  • A statement to receive data from a channel will block until some data is received
  • A statement to send data to a channel will wait until the sent data has been received

For example, when we try to print the value received (in the main function) :


The <-out statement will block the code until some data is received on the out channel. It helps to then visualize this by splitting the main block into two parts : the part that runs until its time to wait for the channel to receive data, and the part that is run after.

go routines as blocks with channel, with blocking code

The dotted arrow added here is to show that it is the main function that started the multiplyByTwo goroutine.

The second part of main can only be run once data is received through the channel (depicted by the green arrow)

Note: Sending or receiving data from a nil channel will also block forever.

Creating Workers

Example #1 can be implemented another way, by using 2 channels : one for sending data to the goroutine, and another for receiving the result (Run this code).

A common pattern to distribute work to goroutines is to spawn persistent workers and send and receive information through channels.

func main() {
	out := make(chan int)
	in := make(chan int)

	// Create 3 `multiplyByTwo` goroutines.
	go multiplyByTwo(in, out)
	go multiplyByTwo(in, out)
	go multiplyByTwo(in, out)

	// Up till this point, none of the created goroutines actually do
	// anything, since they are all waiting for the `in` channel to
	// receive some data, we can send this in another goroutine
	go func() {
		in <- 1
		in <- 2
		in <- 3
		in <- 4

	// Now we wait for each result to come in

func multiplyByTwo(in <-chan int, out chan<- int) {
	fmt.Println("Initializing goroutine...")
	for {
		num := <-in
		result := num * 2
		out <- result

Now, in addition to main, multiplyByTwo is also divided into 2 parts: the part before and after the point where we wait on the in channel (num := <- in)

goroutines use channel workers to distribute work

The number of workers spawned corresponds to the number of concurrent processes you want.

In the above example, we spawned three workers, and had four tasks. The first three tasks would immediately get a worker assigned, but the fourth task would have to wait until one of the workers was done.

worker timing chart : Even though <code>task4</code> is ready, it needs to wait until at least one worker is free.

Even though task4 is ready, it needs to wait until at least one worker is free.

The “Select” Statement

We can use the select statement when we have multiple channels waiting to receive information, and want to perform an action when any one of them completes first.

select {
case res := <-someChannel:
	// do something
case anotherChannel <- someData:
	// do something else
case <- yetAnotherChannel:
	// do another thing

Here, the action performed depends on which of the cases completes first - the others will be ignored.

Let’s look at an example where we have a fast worker and a slow worker for multiplication:

// The `fast` and `slow` functions do the same thing
// but `slow` takes more time to complete
func fast(num int, out chan<- int) {
	result := num * 2
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
	out <- result


func slow(num int, out chan<- int) {
	result := num * 2
	time.Sleep(15 * time.Millisecond)
	out <- result

func main() {
	out1 := make(chan int)
	out2 := make(chan int)

	// we start both fast and slow in different
	// goroutines with different channels
	go fast(2, out1)
	go slow(3, out2)

	// perform some action depending on which channel
	// receives information first
	select {
	case res := <-out1:
		fmt.Println("fast finished first, result:", res)
	case res := <-out2:
		fmt.Println("slow finished first, result:", res)


If we run this code, we will get the output:

fast finished first, result: 4

The select statement is triggered by out1 and ignores the action specified in the out2 case:

select chooses the first completed channel statement

A common use case for select statements is to detect when an action needs to be cancelled - if we’re performing a time-sensitive operation, we would ideally want to keep a deadline and fail fast if the operation stalls or takes too long.

Buffered Channels

In the previous few examples, we saw that channel statements block until data is either sent into or received from a channel.

This happens because a channel doesn’t have anywhere to “store” the data going into it, and so needs to wait for a statement to receive data.

A buffered channel is a type of channel that has storage capacity within it. To create a buffered channel, we add a second argument to the make statement to specify capacity:

out := make(chan int, 3)

Now out is a buffered channel with a capacity of three integer variables. This means that it can intake upto three values before it blocks:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	out := make(chan int, 3)
	out <- 1
	out <- 2
	out <- 3

	// this statement will block
	out <- 4

You can think of a buffered channel as a normal channel plus storage (or buffer):

buffered channel is a regular channel with storage for the defined datatype

Buffered channels are used in cases where we don’t want the channel statement to block if there are no available receivers. Adding a buffer allows us to wait for some of the receivers to get freed without blocking the sending code.

Why Do We Need Channels?

Channels allow us to idiomatically communicate between different parts of our code that are running concurrently.

Since channel statements block when sending or receiving data, it makes our code less error-prone, since many errors arise from data races where we read a value before it is written.

Caveats and Pitfalls

Channels make concurrent programming much easier in Go, and make your code more readable in certain situations.

However, it’s easy to use channels in places you don’t really have to. Sometimes, it’s easier to use pointers and waitgroups to pass information around instead.

As with all concurrent programming, it’s important to avoid race conditions as this can create bugs that are hard to predict.

When in doubt, it’s always better to visualize how data flows between goroutines (like I’ve shown in some of the diagrams here) before writing your code.