2024  5

August  1

Using the Gemini API in your Java Application

 · Written by Soham Kamani

July  1

Using a PostgreSQL Database in Go (in Production)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

June  2

Time in Golang - Working With Time, Duration, and Dates (With Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Mastering Error Handling in Go: A Comprehensive Guide

 · Written by Soham Kamani

April  1

Authenticating Applications with Service Accounts in Google Cloud

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2023  23

October  2

The Java Ecosystem Explained - How Java Runs Your Code

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How to Install and Run a Kafka Cluster Locally

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

September  4

Implementing JWT based authentication in Golang

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

A Complete Guide to JSON in Golang (With Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Javascript Symbols Explained

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Using Enums In Javascript

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

July  3

Using Maps in Golang - With Examples

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Making REST API Requests in Golang using the HTTP Client

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How to Use Context in Golang (Deadlines, Cancellation, and Passing Values)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

June  4

Running a Maven Project from the Command Line (and Building Jar Files)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Making REST API calls with TypeScript (With Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Type Conversion and Type Assertion in Golang - Everything You Need to Know (With Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

What is Idempotence - Using Idempotence for System Design (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

May  1

Working with Google Cloud Storage in Java - How to Upload, Download and Modify Files

 · Written by Soham Kamani

March  2

Working with Google Cloud SQL in Java: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating, Connecting, and Querying Your Database

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Working with PostgreSQL in Java - Using the JDBC Library

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

February  3

Creating an OAuth2 Client in Golang (With Full Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Implementing OAuth 2.0 with Node.js

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Spring OAuth2 Authentication

 · Written by Soham Kamani

January  4

How to Use Iota in Golang

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang - Implementing Heap Data Structure (and Heap Sort)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

A Gentle Introduction to SQL Queries

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Building a Chat Application with React and Websockets

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2022  23

November  2

Implementing JWT Based Authentication in Spring Boot (Using Spring Security)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Implementing JWT Authentication in Node.js

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

October  2

Variables in Golang - Everything You Need to Know

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Executing Shell Commands in Golang

 · Written by Soham Kamani

September  4

An Introduction to Channels in Go (Golang)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang Make Function - Initializing Slices, Maps, and Channels (Size and Capacity)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang Constructors - Design Patterns For Initializing Variables

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How to Lazy Load Disqus Comments in Your Hugo Webpage

 · Written by Soham Kamani

August  2

Node.js File System Module - How to Read and Write Files and Directories

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Implementing a Kafka Producer and Consumer In Java (With Full Examples) For Production

 · Written by Soham Kamani

June  3

App Engine Scaling - Basic, Manual, and Automatic Scaling (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Monitoring for Google App Engine: How to View Logs and Metrics

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Deploying a Java Application to Google App Engine

 · Written by Soham Kamani

May  5

Building a REST API With Node.js Express and MongoDB

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Using Enums (and Enum Types) in Golang

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

Creating a MongoDB Replica Set Using Docker

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Implementing Set Data Structures in Golang (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How to Execute Shell Commands With Node.Js

 · Written by Soham Kamani

April  1

Using a Mutex in Go (Golang) - with Examples

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

March  2

How to Encode and Decode Base64 Data from the Command Line (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Creating a RESTful HTTP Server in Spring Boot (Java) - With Full Examples

 · Written by Soham Kamani

February  2

Session Cookie Authentication in Node.js (With Complete Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Session Cookie Authentication in Golang (With Complete Examples)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

2021  8

November  3

Using the Builder Pattern in Javascript (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang’s ‘Defer’ Keyword: What It Is and How It Works

 · Written by Soham Kamani

A Complete Guide to Using Google BigQuery in Java (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

August  3

Using the BusyBox Docker Image for Building Applications : A Complete Guide

 · Written by Soham Kamani

A Complete Guide to HTTP/2 in Node.js (With Example Code)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Web Security Basics - An Introduction to the Essential Concepts Behind a Secure Website

 · Written by Soham Kamani

June  1

How to Implement Password Authentication and Storage in Go (Golang)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

January  1

A Complete Guide to UUID Versions (v1, v4, v5) - With Examples

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

2020  8

December  2

Implementing a Kafka Producer and Consumer In Node.js (With Full Examples) For Production

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Build a web application in Go (golang)

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

September  1

Implementing a Kafka Producer and Consumer In Golang (With Full Examples) For Production

 · Written by Soham Kamani

July  2

How To Write Reader-Friendly Technical Blog Posts

 · Written by Soham Kamani

A Guide On SQL Database Transactions In Node.js

 · Written by Soham Kamani

April  2

RSA Encryption, Decryption and Signing in Node.js (Javascript) - With Examples

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Implementing RSA Encryption and Signing in Golang (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

February  1

A Guide On SQL Database Transactions In Go

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2019  11

December  3

Making an interactive Telegram bot in Go (Golang)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Making a Testing Framework in Node.js (Without any External Libraries)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Functional Options in Go: Implementing the Options Pattern in Golang

 · Written by Soham Kamani

November  2

Command Pattern in Go (Golang)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How to Set Expiry Time (TTL) for LocalStorage With Javascript

 · Written by Soham Kamani

October  1

How to Write Good Documentation (And Its Essential Elements)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

July  1

Making (and deploying) an Interactive Telegram Bot in Node.js

Last Updated:   · Written by Soham Kamani

June  2

A Comprehensive Guide of Arrays and Slices in Golang (and their differences)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang functions vs methods 👯‍♀️

 · Written by Soham Kamani

March  1

Polymorphism in Go - without interfaces 🦆

 · Written by Soham Kamani

February  1

D3 Geo Projections Explained 🗺

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2018  12

December  1

How Games Are Programmed: An Introduction To The Core Concepts Required To Program A Video Game

 · Written by Soham Kamani

October  1

Javascript Closures Explained (With Examples)

 · Written by Soham Kamani

September  1

Monitoring The Health Of Your Golang Application Using the Detective Library

 · Written by Soham Kamani

August  1

Using React with Typescript

 · Written by Soham Kamani

July  3

How to Combine React Contexts

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Should I write that blog post? 📝

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Golang Omitempty Explained

 · Written by Soham Kamani

June  1

Factory patterns in Go (Golang) 🏭

 · Written by Soham Kamani

May  1

How express.js works - Understanding the internals of the express library ⚙️

 · Written by Soham Kamani

February  1

Data races in Go(Golang) and how to fix them

 · Written by Soham Kamani

January  2

Linear Regression with Python

 · Written by Soham Kamani

Tensorflow Introduction and Basic Operations

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2017  2

March  2

React-Redux “Connect” Explained

 · Written by Soham Kamani

How To Sync Your Data Between Google Sheets And Firebase

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2016  6

November  1

Using Nightwatch.Js To Test And Take Screenshots Of Your App

 · Written by Soham Kamani

October  1

Adding a Redis Cache To Your Node.js Server

 · Written by Soham Kamani

August  1

An Introduction to Promises in Javascript

 · Written by Soham Kamani

June  1

Rest API Calls Using Redux - Full Tutorial

 · Written by Soham Kamani

April  1

Why We Should Stop Using Gifs

 · Written by Soham Kamani

March  1

How Is Javascript Asynchronous And Single Threaded?

 · Written by Soham Kamani

2015  1

August  1

How to communicate between Python and NodeJs 🐍

 · Written by Soham Kamani